En détail

Microtech Booster: ready for loop 4 ?

open call

October 11th, is the next deadline to bring ideas/problems to the Microtech Booster platform (https://platform.microtechbooster.swiss/).

Take advantage of the ecosystem to innovate with shared risks, costs and resources.
Don't wait any longer to benefit from the Microtech Booster support!

The first 5 ideas/problems posted will receive a communication package to promote them on our media channels and increase their chances of being selected.


The feasibility studies of the 1st semester 2022 are coming to the end and we already have two interviews available on our website :

Sylvain Lecoultre, BFH

Yuri Lopez de Meneses, HE Arc

You can follow the other 3 winning ideas from Jabil, Kainoo and Hexisens in the coming weeks on LinkedIn, don't hesitate to follow our page.

Upcoming event:

October 20th:  Additive Manufacturing, Microtech and Photonics-Innovation through Interdisciplinarity. Registration here.

More information